Hello Qties. Hope you've had a fantastic Christmas for all those who celebrate it and a happy new year.

03 Jan 2023, 16:01
Hello Qties! 🖖 Hope you've had a fantastic Christmas for all those who celebrate it and a happy new year! 💥 We just have one final act left before we can leave 2022 behind completely, which is the Community Member of the Month for December! Our final CMoM is keithdd#3236 who many of you may know from our PARSIQ Discord server where he's always been a super positive presence! So congrats Keith and thanks for all the support! As per usual, the winner will receive 100US in $PRQ 🍻 CMoM will continue in 2023 with a brand new roster of PRQties, so a huge thanks to all of our supportive members from 2022 and we'll look forward to the first addition for 2023 at the end of January! Read more