Hello Qties.

22 Feb 2023, 16:43
Hello Qties! 🖖 With ETH Denver #BUIDLWeek starting on Friday, we've added a channel over on our PARSIQ Discord for any #BUIDLers who want to meet up with us at ETHDenver or even just to ask us any questions they have about our products! 🛠 Our BD Team will be out in force for the whole event so if you're representing a project at ETHDenver and you'd like to meet up and have a chat then just check out the channel to get in contact! #BUIDLWeek will stretch from (February 24 to March 1st) followed by the Core Event (March 2 to March 5) and the Mountain Retreat (March 6 to March 9). Check out our full blog post for more details on the event, we hope to see you there!