Hello PRQties. We'll be hosting our fourth PSOP (PARSIQ Series of Poker) Tournament tomorrow with 5,000 $PRQ up for grabs.

26 Jul 2023, 16:00
Hello PRQties! 🖖 We'll be hosting our fourth PSOP (PARSIQ Series of Poker) Tournament tomorrow with 5,000 $PRQ up for grabs! ♠️ So if you want to join us and you haven't participated before, you'll need to fill out this form in order to participate. Once you've filled out the form we'll add you to our poker channel on Discord. (You must already be a member of the PARSIQ Discord) If you're already a member of the Poker channel please do not complete the form. When? Thursday July 27th 6PM UTC Where? Tournament will be hosted on Pokernow, we'll share a tournament link tomorrow in our PARSIQ Discord Poker Channel! Good luck and may the best PRQtie win!