Hello PRQrew and Qties. How's this for a Monday read. PARSIQ has been featured in Forbes.

05 Sep 2022, 14:14
Hello PRQrew and Qties! 🖖🚀 How’s this for a Monday read? PARSIQ has been featured in Forbes! In the article, ‘Blockchain Data Is The Next Big Thing In Web3, According To This Expert’, PARSIQ CEO Tom Tirman is featured as the expert, where he says: “I think, with where we are right now in the adoption curve, blockchain data is the next big thing,” he added. “As applications are being built, as Web2 companies slowly start adopting blockchain, everyone needs a place to build their backend—a way to source their data.” This is a very nice feature for PARSIQ as we move toward greater adoption of our flagship product, Tsunami API! 🏄‍♂️🌊 Help spread the word by retweeting 👇 Read the full article